Rebounding to burn calories and fight cellulite
If your problem is cellulite and fluid retention, the rebounding is the cardiovascular exercise that will help you burn many calories per session, while improving the appearance of cellulite tissue.
This exercise is to use a small trampoline round, where each of the participants in the class performs different movements, which consist of not exactly jumping, but rather to push down on the canvas of the bed with his feet.

Among the benefits of rebounding, points out that produces strengthening blood circulation, immune system stimulation, a marked improve balance and coordination, while stimulating the tissue oxygenation.
It is also an exercise that sets in motion throughout the body, which can burn a significant amount of calories and help control weight or even lose weight. And not least: it’s fun, which helps build motivation for business continuity.
While the rebounding fitness is issued as a class where an instructor teaches the basic exercises and controls that there is no injury, not a bad idea to have a trampoline at home to do some exercises every day. Even is a good activity for children, what motivates them to be active in a time where childhood obesity is a public health concern.
Note that this exercise can be practiced by people of all ages and physical conditions, and well done, the impact is absorbed by the same bed, so there should be no problem for the joints. Unlike other excellent aerobic exercise, the rebounding has an effect on the lymphatic system that others do not, because of the rebounds, helping drainage as seen in various scientific studies. That is why improving cellulite and removes puffiness.
What makes rebounding favorite of many women is that is that it attacks cellulite by helping the body to mobilize the lymph and tones legs and tail muscle. In addition, the exercises are divided into different types of rebound: aerobic, strength and abs. It is essential to concentrate the energy concentration in the lower body. The hand movements are done with closed fists.
As for the results is what matters, you can burn up 600 calories in a class of 55 minutes, and in about a month will begin to notice more muscles worked.
As a precaution, it discourages the practice of rebounding to pregnant, breastfeeding women, people with balance disorders, heart problems or neck. Women have to use a good sports bra to avoid problems in the breasts, while the men are advised a jockstrap.
Thus, it is a great alternative if you’re looking for your comprehensive training regime that is also fun and dynamic.
Check out a rebounder @ Needak Rebounder