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Below are some general testemonials and endorcements. Be sure to read the reviews from our customers here: Needak® Rebounder Reviews (click and scroll down for reviews)

“I was recently diagnosed with MS. I changed my diet and exercise with the rebounder 1 to 3 times a day. I have lost 15 pounds and everyone says I look so healthy. I feel that the rebounder has given me strength. I have my 66 year old mom using it, and I even put my one year old daughter on it – she loves it!” - L.D., TV Writer/Producer, Amity Harbor, NY

 “I had bone spurs on both my heels for about 15 years and needed arches in my shoes so I could walk comfortably. I also had a calcium build up on my fifth vertebrate in my back. After using the rebounder for only three weeks – my spurs had totally disappeared; my neck took a little longer. I have now had my rebounder for over 4 years and enjoy using it everyday. Again, a big THANK YOU! - H.M., Edmonton, Canada

 “I keep my rebounder at the foot of my bed and use it daily.” - Bob Hope

 “The rebounder is great! I lost 8 lbs and beat my 6’3’’, 180lb boyfriend at arm wrestling after only 2 months of use! Then he started bouncing and his masseuse asked him, ‘I know you’ve been working out for 2 years -  what have you been doing the past week?’ She actually felt the difference in his muscles!” - B.L. New York, NY

 “Rebounding exercise is the best exercise in the world! Now that I’ve tried rebounding, I have progressed more in 2-3 months than in 3 years on the Nordic Track. My primary exercise, and the one I now recommend to my patients, especially for upper body shaping and toning, overall cell exercise and health, and just plain fun, will now be the rebounder.” - Dr. R.P., Nashville, TN

 We have had the Needak® Soft-Bounce™ for about two weeks or so. My wife’s pain in her hips and arms has completely disappeared. - A.L., Cave Junetson, OR

 “My wife and I learned of your rebounding product approximately two years ago, and have been using it ever since. First one unit, then two -  then three units. We keep them handy on all floors of the house and find its convenience exceeds by a factor of ten any other exercise product. Just by doing ten minutes in the morning, or even five, or even three minutes while watching the news and weather, you are awake and feeling just great. No other exercise can offer that. Then for the evening pickup, after a long day, again – the recirculation of the blood facilitated by your rebounder cannot be achieved in any other exercise procedure or equipment that we are aware of, and we have tried them all. The rebounder speeds up metabolism and thereby burns calories faster and serves as a weight control device which has no equal. I simply cannot praise the concept and your particular product line more highly.” - L.P., Publisher Ohio, USA and Zurich Switzerland

 “The Needak® Soft-Bounce™ rebounder is a smile generating device. Who would want to do without it for even a single day?” - J.Q., Richland Center, WI

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